Ph. D. in Library and Information Science | Ph.D. LIS

SVU, Department of Library and Information Science offers Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science program to those who are interested in research and offers advanced knowledge which enables one to become specialized in an area of study related to Librarianship, Library Management, Information and Communication Technology. The emphasis is on conducting original research with production of significant research findings, and there by contributing such findings so that it becomes an accessible source of public knowledge.
The DLIS, Somaiya Vidyavihar University has an eminent research guides with professional and teaching experience in the field of Library and Information Science. The Ph D Scholars are encouraged to pursue Research with Research and Teaching Assistant RTA Stipends.

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Key Information

Research Guide

Sr.No. Research Guide Qualification Research Areas
2 Dr. Hindurao S. Waydande Ph.D Library Building Planning, Library Resource Sharing, Types of libraries and e-Resources, Information Literacy, Financial Management of libraries, Library User Behaviour, Website Design for Knowledge Resource Centre, ICT Applications in Libraries, Embedded Librarianship, Libraries Archives & Museums (LAM), Curriculum development in LIS education, LIS Standards

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