The Department of Library and Information Science is established under Somaiya Vidyavihar University in the year 2021- 2022 under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science.
The Department of Library and Information Science conducts
Department of Library and information Science is located Bhaskaracharya Building, Library Complex
Through these courses, the department aims to develop the necessary skills in the Library and Information professionals and sustain this by conducting specialized need-based programs.
Highlights of the department are :
45 + years of Library and Information Science professional & Teaching experience. Former Librarian, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Librarian & IIT Goa also Professor & HOD, DLIS & University Librarian, Shivaji Vidyapeeth he is the recognised research guide in many universities and Guided 10+ PhD Scholars 15+ M.Phil Scholars and more that 200 MLISc Students. Ex Governor of Maharashtra nominee, Senate, Pune University. Research Area: Library Building Planning, Library Resource Sharing, Types of libraries and e-Resources, Information Literacy, Financial Management of libraries, Library User Behaviour, Website Design for Knowledge Resource Centre, ICT Applications in Libraries, Embedded Librarianship, Libraries Archives & Museums (LAM), Curriculum development in LIS education, LIS Standards